Monday, February 18, 2013

The Unprofessional Survival Cook

I guess it all started in High School when my brother Austin would come to our house for lunch and pillage our fridge for something to eat. I loved it when he did because he would take food that for me was unappetizing and turn it into something fantastic. To me it was a God-given gift of the spirit. I wanted to develop that gift so I would try it on my own and it always turned out terrible. Remember that one time dad you bought rib-eye and said I could make it? Yeah, I'm sorry about that. Well my cooking experiments were general few and far between and mostly happened on scouting activities. (I understand now why our leaders always brought their own food and by the time we were seventeen gave up altogether and always cooked our food.) I was always in charge of the bacon and Stevo always made the eggs. (I always screwed that up too. How did I screw that bacon every time?) Well my quiet hobby turned into necessity when I went to college and Steven became my roommate. I had always been a tight wad so I never wanted to eat out and I think all in all that first year I went out once for food. Needless to say I learned how to survive quick. I say survive and not cook because I couldn't call what I do cooking. Steven and I made some pretty weird stuff. Edible but super strange. Yet this morning while procrastinating my Spanish homework I decided to make some food at 10:00 in the morning because...well... I was hungry. I elected to make my staple food with my regular twists from the random cornucopia that is our fridge and food cupboard.  My roommate Alec woke up from the living room couch, where he lives, and smelled it. He describes it as a, "A Midwestern housewife impression of Thai curry" I have absolutely no idea what that means, but I liked it. Not only did I like it was really good (in my humble opinion).  I thought there must be other hungry folk with little to no cooking skills who don't want to go through the countless burned meals and smelly apartments  I went through to become the novice mediocre cook that I am now. So give me your thoughts, advice, improvements, and grammar and spelling corrections (I am a mechanical engineer after all and I've always hated spelling). We'll see where this goes.

"AMHITC" (A Midwestern Housewife Impression of Thai Curry; my roommate Austin (not my brother) calls it Gรบlesh pronounce gu-losh, Sean calls it that Thai stuff that isn't Thai)

1 can of Cream of Chicken
1 can of Chicken Chunks
garlic powder to taste  (I put about three teaspoons (that's the little one)) or the real deal ( I would guess about four cloves (thats only a segment not the entire bulb))
enough milk to make it a thick soup (its about 3/4 of a cup)
cheddar cheese to taste (I put small handful of cubes)
1 bullion cube (that's the cubes of salty goodness that your mom may have used to make gravy. I use it in almost everything. see attached picture)

Just put her into the pot on medium until all the cheese has melted and put over rice. (I highly suggest getting a rice cooker or at least steal your roommates. I steal Sean's)

You may have noticed that I'm not very exact. I think that's half the fun is making it up as you go and see if it works or not.

My roommates put it over a toasted English muffin like kind of a gravy thing. "A great breakfast treat or something to eat on a chilly day in winter or after a cold day of football practice."-Austin. He also remarked that it would go well with hash browns

"the more I eat this the more I think this is delicioso!"-Alec


  1. I loved it! Voy a tener en cuenta el blog para mi byu experience! Quiero probarlo! :)
    P.S: paper face! Jajaja
